dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • Some super deliciousness

    Poor old Lovely NZ seems to have been so neglected of late. Secretly though I have been collecting up stories – all just waiting for me to have a day to update the sites. And build a new central home page – ah ah – hopefully Wednesday will be the day. In the meantime I…

  • Baby clothes dans la Shoppe

    Ach well – it’s the end of another week – and time for some more productivity photos. My Bernette sewing machine is on the blink again – so I am now permanently back to my trusty old 1970s Janome which I do so love (now I know how to use it properly). I have made…

  • Note to self

    Must go here.

  • Small things

    Following my dream the other night about running away to the Amazon to stop illegal logging I happened upon a rather relevant article in the Guardian. For Blog action day I just thought I’d let you know my little piece I do for the environment – and it is small but it does add up…

  • Some clothes for Astrid

    I’ve had a pile of Liberty fabrics slowly building up over the past few months. And because I know I’m going to be designing and building web sites solidly for the next few weeks I thought I’d better squeeze in some fun before work hits. And of course ensure Astrid will have some clothes for…

  • Blog action day – October 15th

    An international initiative of bloggers known as “Blog Action Day” has been launched with the aim of uniting thousands of blogging voices, talking about one issue for one day. This year it’s the environment – something I dreamt about last night. I woke up ready to race off to the Amazon to stop illegal logging.…

  • Oooh yay! Anemone’s at Etsy!

    Look everyone – my favourite local local makers of yummy girly kids things – Anemone Crafts – have opened an Etsy shop. Auntie Polly bought Astrid a kimono dress months and months ago and Astrid just loves it. They make fab skirts too – they’ve got such good taste in fabrics. It’s all super cute…

  • The cuteness of the babychops

    Now you may have noticed that I call Astrid “the babychops” quite a lot. Well, let me tell you, I call her that all the time! I have to make myself say Astrid every now and again just so she knows her name. I posted some photos to flickr recently of her and thought I…

  • Happy birthday little blog

    Well this little blog is one year old today. It started over at Blogger and moved here at the end of May. My first ever comment was from Juju (yay – thanks Juju) and then four months later I got my next comment! Hooray for persistence eh 🙂 I met Juju in London when I…

  • Seeds glorious seeds

    This afternoon Dad came over and helped build the teepees. We put in the potatoes, some cherry tomatoes, red onions and cabbages. The rest of the planting will wait until the seeds are ready to plant out. Ooooh this will be an exercise in patience for me. It’ll be weeks! I planted LOTS of seeds…

  • Making the meadow (and vege plot)

    Friday; Dad rotary hoeing the lower lawn. Below; still hoeing – the grass is all cut. And we still have the nice big shady lawn above. Saturday we dug, and dug, and dug, and dug. And sifted up the grassy clumps, shook the soil from them and threw them in the (now huge) grass pile.…

  • Wall bags

    When I was at the Steiner school many many years ago one of the first things we made in handwork class was a wall bag. I have no idea what happened to mine. It was made from beige cotton drill and I had embroidered onto it a green caterpillar – made up of ten circles.…