dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • Incommunicado

    I have a slight suspicion my blog has been broken into and I hope I’ve fixed it now. So I’ve just spent half this beautiful Sunday afternoon online, borrowing files from other sites because I can’t hook my little lacie drive up to Steve’s pc – a long and boring story. But it’s too beautiful…

  • At the airport

    Two hours till we board. Off to play with Anna Sui cosmetics before we decide what to eat. Probably toast and peanut butter for me and sweet toast for K and A with lime juice all round. Or parma ham pizza. And lime juice. Today we went to Little India - lots of terribly exotic (to me)…

  • Muji food

    Had to go back to take photos. This is exactly how I like food packaging if it must be packaged; clinical and uniform. Fresh produce is another matter altogether of course, so I also love brown paper bags, butter paper and string. There’ll be Borough market and the shop in Belsize Park opposite the tube…

  • Yesterday’s photos

    I don’t appear to have taken photos today although I really should have taken some in Muji – the food, oh the Muji food! And we had a perfect lunch at Paragon – which I must say has been the most pleasant place on Orchard Road so far. Kinokuniya was overwhelming– it being the biggest…

  • Singapore

    Well, we all survived the flight – in fact Astrid slept from take-off until they turned the breakfast lights on and we’ve been in Singapore a few hours and she’s asleep again. I’ve got to buy an adaptor to plug the laptop in so no photos yet – the juice on this might run out…

  • Our new family member

    Six weeks, 2 days. A little beating heart. Still only 6mm long.

  • Putumayo World Music

    When Putumayo got in touch asking if I’d have a listen to some of their music and write about it on my blog I more than happily agreed. Putumayo is a very cool record label specialising in World Music. They also do kids music – and I knew Astrid would love that! I’m a bit…

  • I really should be working

    Um yes. Last week was the last week of work. But this week is the new last week and here I am. Now at my sewing table while the office is being painted, using my old iMac from 2003. This iMac used to live with me in my old house over the road from where…

  • Enfant Terrible

    My new favourite shop; Enfant Terrible. A shop with many carefully chosen and very beautiful items for babies and children – to wear – to play – to read. Inside the little parcel that arrived for Astrid today were some very sweet leggings by mor mor rita. I find it terribly exciting the label says…

  • Our lovely morning

    This morning we walked down to the Pyrenees for breakfast. A lovely stroll down the hill, through tree-lined streets, past elegant villas with pretty gardens and tall trees. Mt Albert’s one of the early Auckland suburbs, complete with both Bowling and Croquet clubs. And quite a few two-storey villas. And lots and lots of trees…

  • Hello

    More lovely tempting delicious things out there in blog-shop-land. We’re painting and sewing curtains this weekend. What are you doing?

  • Today,

    I am having trouble concentrating. Today I needed to focus. One week of work left. Instead I am having fantasies about lying on hotel beds, eating satay noodles, watching television. Currently I am in love with television. Every night when Astrid is asleep I get out my sketchbook, my pen and pencil and I draw…