dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • A drop of summer

    Sunday was perfect. Beautiful and cloudless. Warm but not hot. Up early and out for breakfast. A long walk on the heath. A tired child who will sleep. Fruit for lunch. A day for knitting. A day for quiet. Cats outside playing. Time to cook. Time for reading. Time for more knitting. A perfect, lovely,…

  • Knitting classes at Loop

     After much waiting and counting down, knitting classes at Loop began this weekend. This was my third time lucky attempt at booking knitting classes over the years – and I must say it’s £75 very well spent and it was worth the wait. So exciting was the prospect that I’d actually got a spot, I…

  • He likes it

    And so do I. It’s not technically finished. But the good thing about crochet is you’re pretty much always cast-off. So for now, it’s a knee blanket. And it’s finished (it’s folded over in the photo and is bigger than it looks). Oscar has even switched beds just for it. In other news, it would…

  • On my last day at work…

    I remembered to take the little camera in to document my journey. Out the gate, into very late Summer… Down the road and around the corner to the 24 bus stop. Then on to Warren Street where I get off and it’s a stone’s throw to Euston Square station. Onto the Eastbound platform where I…

  • printing by hand

    Now, I wonder if anyone is wondering, “what on earth happened to those textile design and print classes Charlotte had booked at St Martins?”. Well, that would be a very good thing to wonder as they were in July and August. But I cancelled them a) because I needed the refund money to live off…

  • I have no idea

    …where this came from. I think a little flax-berry eating bird must have sent it. Which means I had now really better sort myelf out and start sewing. And I really do have to say the grey forest double knit is just heaven. All I want to do it hem the whole three metres and…

  • A year ago

    I’ve been keeping reminding myself to remember on the 5th of September about the first anniversary of mum’s death. Just like I remembered on August the 19th that a) it was grandma’s birthday and b) it was my 10 year anniversary of arriving in London with but a pink backpack, a small wad of money…

  • A delicious disaster

    I think I’ve got my energy back. This weekend I’ve photographed, blogged, flickrd, crocheted, ravelried, made up a nice big shopping cart at nature baby, walked across the Heath, and, at long last, baked something. Based on the Edmonds Cook Book recipe because we never have the sour cream for the Donna Hay recipe, I…

  • Babychops ii

    Friday was 20 week scan day. Well, actually it was Thursday, but I thought it was Friday – and fortunately with some persuasion on my part I managed to get in. And, ta da… it’s a girl! We got the ultrasound lady to check several times just to make sure. She even gave us a…

  • A bit of crochet

    Oh what will I do when I finish at LBi on Wednesday – I’ll have no five day a week bus and tube ride. Ooh, but I will have two days a week to Notting Hill new job – more on that soon – very very exciting… and three days a week to look after…

  • chicken liver paté

    At parties I can usually be found either bringing or serving one or all of the following: marinated fish salad with warm bread, orange and poppyseed cake, herbed barbequed lamb with garlic mayonnaise, chicken liver paté. The other day they had fresh chicken livers at Pomona and as I can never walk past a good…

  • A long weekend

    This weekend was a nice long one. On Saturday morning we went to John Lewis and bought the new computer. We’d decided not to freight my g5 and cinema display over this time as it was all just so big – a new iMac would fit much better in the little cottage. So we now…