dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • on their way out

    Too much multi tasking today got me nowhere.

  • sun

    Today the sun came out and we walked for hours and hours.

  • some old holiday snaps

    Can’t wait for more holidays like this. Ah yes, and I deleted all my projects off Ravelry. Apologies for any dead links.

  • 8 weeks

    And the injections didn’t go down too well. Coupled with deciding not to sleep all day.

  • going through some old photos

    That’s what I’ve been doing. And building new websites. Amongst other things.

  • a fairly momentous occasion

    A little while ago I was asked to participate in the Flickr Collection on Getty. And yesterday I received an email from a friend saying my photos were up. Conveniently after I’d deleted my flickr account. Oops (Megan’s making t-shirts for that). I knew that was going to happen.

  • wednesday

    This morning was lovely and quiet with Astrid out at daycare. Edith and I had a sleep on the sofa. This afternoon we collected Astrid and walked across the Heath to Swain’s Lane for coffee. It’s really starting to feel like Spring. The London sky has changed. The air is getting that lovely Summer haze.…

  • toast

    We’ve been without a toaster for almost a year now. We just weren’t prepared to buy one we didn’t totally love. But the one we totally loved cost a mad fortune. However I’ve discovered that Amazon, if you wait long enough, will reduce the price on most things. So you just have to sit and…

  • crystal clear

    Today I’m thirty six. And whether I’d thought about it earlier or not it feels like a whole new beginning – stepping out of the last ten years and into today. Finishing with flickr this week was hard – it was like diving into an early summer sea – I really had to muster up…

  • 6 weeks

  • dear universe…

    Thank you very much for listening the other day when you and I had some serious words. Thank you for materialising work for Kevin so I can stay at home with the girls. Thank you for dropping some money from the sky when we so seriously needed it. Thank you for making sure Edith was…

  • dusty plum

    Dusty plum. Not only for the colour, but for the texture. This cashmere is wonderfully dry. I’ve never come across dry yarn before but really it’s the only way to describe it. Chalky almost. It’s the only time the Knitting Goddess has ever managed a solid and we were the fortunate recipients. But it’s a…