dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • copying just isn’t cool

    Oilily have made themselves look rather silly. Did they really think nobody would notice? www.rosapomar.com

  • botanical, sometimes

    Forgot to say, I’m back on flickr – every now and again. a+b and ratsmagic.

  • note to self

    Do not buy any more fabric or yarn. Buttons and trims, well ok then. This is of course interesting timing due to my extremely close proximity to Cloth House next week. Buttons and trims. Buttons and trims.

  • a headache that lasts a week

    is a bit of an arse if you ask me. Especially when it’s combined with something über–exciting and brilliant. Maybe that’s just life. Brilliant and shit all at the same time. Image something I worked up about ten years ago one Sunday afternoon at my friend Leonie’s in Lewisham

  • making muesli

    I’ve been meaning to do this for ages but I’m too lazy to cut up dried fruit. So when I bought M&S muesli that was entirely made up of dried fruit and nuts I saw my chance. In went a pile of porridge oats, several handsful of bits out of the baking tin – walnuts,…

  • enchanted forest

    finished at long last. Just in time for Edith to grow into Debbie Bliss’ newborn size. No doubt really the result of my gauge or lack thereof.

  • i

    am still not entirely sure what on earth i’m doing with myself for now. Although I do know that when Astrid wakes up we’ll walk over to Swain’s Lane or up to South End Green for coffee. And that I have a cupboard full of Coca Cola for the first time in my life would…

  • wenn der frühling kommt

    Wenn der Frühling kommt, Von den Bergen schaut, Wenn der Schnee im Tal Und von den Hügeln taut, Wenn die Finken schlagen Und zu Neste tragen, Dann beginnt die liebe, goldne Zeit

  • corners of pieces

    Hey look. I made a non smock top. And more of the same trousers.

  • summer wardrobe

    For Astrid. Tick.

  • pfffffft

    I just wrote a huge long post and then deleted it. Better go and sort dinner out.

  • sun sun sun

    So of course we want to stay in London now. Till Autumn anyway.