dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • me and my pans

    I don’t know whether i’ve mentioned this – but my main ambition for our trip to the uk this time was to furnish myself with a nice set of le creuset pans. So I’ve been monitoring amazon – and I must admit I’ve been kicking myself for not just buying everything I wanted when the…

  • (muji) spree

    It all began with a pair of black shoes and a navy raincoat. Nothing like a few pieces of beautiful simple design to refresh one’s everything. I feel brilliant walking down the road in a lovely black jersey knit dress, black leggings (today indigo marle), grey cotton socks, simple shoes and a navy cotton jacket.…

  • Fleeting

    Not been around here much of late. I’ve been slightly grappling with the whole blog thing. The whole flickr thing. The other day I observed the arrival of purple wisteria petals, fallen from the pergola – and thought to myself, in a past time I would have returned swiftly with my camera – and now…

  • installing xampp and wordpress

    image – late summer garden 2008 I’m building a wordpress site locally so I’m using XAMPP to create a local MySQL database. A foolproof tutorial on installing XAMPP and WordPress can be found here. And if you want to install Drupal and XAMPP the best tutorial is here.

  • Rufins cattins

    That’s what we call him sometimes. Rufins.

  • last IKEA hurrah

    We’d been avoiding the fact but Edith is well and truly filling up the moses basket now. And the mattress is all lumpy and rubbish. So off we went to IKEA last monday. For the last IKEA hurrah. To buy her a cot as we’d sold Astrid’s fancy organic one. And some frames for prints…

  • new horizons

    Today I discovered two great blogs – one a well curated visual delight, and another that captivated me with its words. Both now on my sidebar. the seventy tree famine or feast

  • sunshine

    We seem to be having summer. It’s been wonderful and gorgeous and hot. I’ve been thinking I could make a list of all the famous people we’ve seen whilst out and about over the past year which I might do one day but I thought I’d probably sound like a complete prat. Although just for…

  • sweet

    We’re in the most perfect time here. London in all its gloriousness. A big part of us doesn’t want to leave. Make that about ninety percent. But I’ve thought about it and I think it just means I’m happy. And I can carry the lovely happiness from here to there. And anywhere I choose to…

  • our London home to rent

    Not long now till we head back to Auckland, which means our lovely London cottage is available to rent from June 5th. Just 50 yards from Hampstead Heath and full of character. More details here. New tenants found – thank you!

  • warm grey

    Hello. I am busy knitting. I don’t want to stop. Apart from to go out for big long walks on the Heath and take photos in the rain. And go out with friends to Ten Ten Tei and our old pub. And wander around Soho a bit. And come home and take photos at midnight…

  • life isn’t always perfect

    But I do like these. They’ve been brewing for quite some time. Madeleine’s first birthday provided the impetus to make them at last.