dreams come out my ears and go round my head and i read them.

  • why

    Have I never looked here before?

  • gremlins in the blog

    Hmm. Maybe it’s Marge giving me a clue as to her whereabouts across the ether – but aside from that I have no idea why my blog keeps defaulting back to the WordPress theme!

  • Missing: Marge the jack rabbit

    Our very loved family rabbit Marge has gone missing. Marge is no ordinary rabbit, she’s a Love Creature Jack Rabbit and is an avid quilter with a large collection of fabric. She spends her time scouring vintage shops and garage sales and also has a large scissor collection. We’ve not had her long but she’s…

  • knitting in the south seas

    Ooooh. Thank you to Miss Esther of Toggle I heard about South Seas Knitting. Look! We can buy Habu! In Nyoo Zillund. Look! I bought my first ever Habu. It’s pink. And a pretty box set of cards for taking on the ferry and knitting lace. Just because I have nothing else to do I…

  • Busy doing not very much at all

    Although I have taken a few photos. And walked in the rain. And on the beach. And up and down our hill a lot. Up to Oneroa. And back. A lot. We’ve been into town once on the ferry. Much of the time we’ve been damp but warm – and the pantry’s now fully stocked.…

  • To the islands indeed

    We’d never have guessed how prophetic that particular blog title would be and if you’d told us a week ago we’d be moving out to waiheke for two months, well, we probably would have believed you – but we certainly wouldn’t have thought of it ourselves. Not then anyway. But we did a few days…

  • my perfect garden

    Just down the road a little old lady has a wonderful meadow garden. Ours never had the chance to establish itself but this is exactly what we’re after. Vegetables in amongst the flowers and flowers everywhere. Perfect! I felt a little bit naughty taking photos so these don’t quite capture the full magnificence of it…

  • closing time

    Tomorrow we’re going to buy me an ipod. It’s not so much the thing of buying a thing. Today it’s the choice between music and drugs. Not fun drugs but the drugs doctors hand out. And I’m not much of a one for the doctor. Today I said well look I’m already going to go…

  • a little book

    Lovely styles of London living spaces at amazon.jp Just after edith was born I was emailed out of the blue by a japanese journalist asking if I would like to be interviewed and for them to photograph our house for a book on London interiors. And here it is a few months later – by…

  • camp richmond

    Here we are a week later. We’ve sorted and sold and thrown away and packed. The cats are in Auckland already. We’re at my brother’s in Richmond another week. It’s a bit of a utopia once one hits the river path. On Sunday we walked to St Margarets village and down to the playground. It…

  • returning

    I’m back online. twitter flickr getty Lovely NZ will be being tended to again, soon too. Less than a week in this house. The cats fly out on Tuesday. We fly on the 16th after a couple of weeks at my brother’s. Hong Kong first. Then Auckland – currently creaking under the weight of all…

  • everything all in good (Astrid) time

    Sometimes as parents we wonder whether Astrid shouldn’t be doing this, or that. Because everyone else’s children are, and have been, for ooh – well at least this long. But Astrid – no way. Astrid is all about Astrid time. Expert at digging in the heels. Expert at immovable. Astrid will not do anything she…