
Yellow melamine bowl £2 from Habitat after my interview at the Beeb this morning. And as soon as I get some money Astrid gets one of these.







7 responses to “02”

  1. melissa avatar

    eeek- interview! fingers and toes are crossed for you. love that bowl- very springish. xx

  2. Lindy avatar

    ooh love Habitat- you’ll have to give me the link to the interview when/if you have it!

  3. charlotte avatar

    oh – ha! not that kind of interview – that would have been nice! job interview 🙂

  4. ulli avatar

    keep my fingers crossed for you.

  5. lies avatar

    Hee for a moment i thought that David Attenborrough was interviewing you, his face shows when one cklicks your link. But hey we’re saying our mantras for your new job. Do get the toy – really good and strong stuff, we have the ark out of the same series!

  6. Emily S. avatar

    I envy your ability to shop there.

    And what’s this – an interview at the BBC? My my! Best of luck!

    (The World Today is one of my favorite radio programs. BBC radio airs here from midnight to 5 a.m. and I listen both for the info and for the magnificent soothing quality of the British accents…)

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