Check if the new Cass Art shop is open in Hampstead and buy a paintbrush and a painting board for Astrid.Get myself a .13 pen. And tracing paper. And an artline pen. And a clutch pencil.
Go for a big long Heath walk.
Go to Astrid’s secret playground and take a picnic lunch on Sunday.
Do my portfolio.
Start working up my poster ideas. Done
Buy my new font.
Tidy up the front of the house.
Make walnut and apricot bread for Astrid. Done
Try very hard not to buy an ice cream maker.
Set up an account with Bluehost and begin the task of moving all the sites over.
Do my hosting invoices for the year.
Start getting really excited about Astrid starting kindy in September!!!!!
This is way too much for one weekend, so it’s now my general to do list.
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