This year I decided to actually lose the baby-weight I oh so efficiently gained (on medical instruction I might add) in the last two months of pregnancy. I had been so incredibly annoyed with myself every single day last year, that on New Years day I thought fuck it, I’m buying some scales and going on a diet.
After I’d had Astrid, I rather fancifully imagined the weight would simply melt away quietly – that by having my macrobiotic cook books on the kitchen shelf I would, by osmosis, revert to my pre-pregnancy macrobiotic ways without actually doing so. I can now officially report back that the Charlotte’s by Osmosis Macrobiotic books in Bookshelf diet DOES NOT WORK.
I can however announce that by using this website to keep a food diary and some bloody-minded persistence – motivated by sheer desperation to make my own clothes and fit the Japanese sizes – I am, as of today, officially a ‘normal’ weight for my height. To celebrate I’ve made myself another dress (marc jacobs jersey knit in grey), and another’s ready (nani iro black pixels) for hemming today.
{ Yes, that is yoghurt on my clothes; I am standing in our messy junk room that needs painting and yes I have chopped all my hair off }
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